Research Interests
My research interests include operations and marketing interface, socially responsible operations, supply chain management, behavioral operations, and the game theory application.
Journal Publications
- Geng X, Guo X, Xiao G, Yang N (2024) Supply Risk Mitigation in a Decentralized Supply Chain: Price Postponement or Payment Postponement? Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 26(2):646-663.
- Guo X, Jiang B (2023) Inventory Sharing Under Service Quality Competition. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 25(6): 2333-2351.
- Guo X, Kuang Y, Ng C (2023) To Centralize or Decentralize: Merger Under Price and Quality Competition. Production and Operations Management. 32(3): 844-862.
- Guo X, Kouvelis P, Turcic D (2022) Price, Quality, and Stocking Decisions in a Manufacturer-Centric Dual-Channel. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 24(4): 2116-2133.
- Geng X, Guo X, Xiao G (2022) Impact of Social Interactions on Duopoly Competition with Quality Considerations. Management Science. 68(2): 941-959.
- Hu Q, Kouvelis K, Xiao G, Guo X (2022) Horizontal Outsourcing and Price Competition: The Role of Sole Sourcing Commitment. Production and Operations Management. 31(8): 3198-3216.
- Geng X, Chen Z, Guo X, Xiao G (2022) Duopoly Price Competition with Quality Improvement Spillover. Naval Research Logistics. 69(7):958-973.
- Dong L, Guo X, Turcic D (2019) Selling a Product Line Through a Retailer When Demand is Stochastic: Analysis of Price-Only Contracts. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 21(4): 742-760.
- Guo X, Jiang B (2016) Signaling Through Price and Quality to Consumers with Fairness Concerns. Journal of Marketing Research. 53(6): 988-1000.
- Chen X, Zhang W, Guo X, Liu Z, Wang S (2021) An Improved Learning-and-Optimization Train Fare Design Method for Addressing Computing Congestion at CBD Stations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 153.
Book Chapter
- Xu F., Guo X., Xiao G., Zhang F. (2022) Crowdfunding Adoption in the Presence of Word-of-Mouth Communication. Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management. 15(3): 247-265.
Selected Working Papers
- Innovation Against Imitation: How to Compete with Copycats in Crowdfunding? (with Zepeng Chen, Guang Xiao, and Fasheng Xu), under revision.
- Adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility Under Asymmetric Information (with Guang Xiao and Fuqiang Zhang), under review.
- To Keep Price Consistent or Not: Multi-Channel Retailing with Consumers' Fairness Concerns (with Yumeng Li, Guang Xiao, and Wenxin Xu), to be submitted.
- Crowdfunding vs. Bank Financing: Effects of Market Uncertainty and Word-of-Mouth Communication (with Fasheng Xu, Guang Xiao, and Fuqiang Zhang), to be submitted.
- Crowdfunding Strategy in the Presence of Social Interactions (with Fasheng Xu, Guang Xiao, and Fuqiang Zhang), to be submitted.
- Managing a Multi-Component Assembly System with Corporate Social Responsibility Consideration (with Yunjuan Kuang, Guang Xiao, and Fuqiang Zhang), to be submitted.
External Competitive Research Grants
1. General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2025-2027
Project Title: Recycled Label Design and Green Competition
Role:Principle Investigator
2. General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2024-2026
Project Title: The Impacts of Noisy Certifications and Price Signaling on Green Product Strategies
Role:Principle Investigator
3.General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2022-2024
Project Title: Strategic Product-fit Revelation in the Presence of Network Effect.
Role:Principle Investigator
4. General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2021-2023
Project Title: Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Product Line Design.
Role:Principle Investigator
5. General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2019-2021
Project Title: Reward-Based Crowdfunding in the Presence of Potential Competitor's Imitation.
Role:Principle Investigator
6. Early Career Scheme (ECS), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2018-2020
Project Title: To Keep Consistency across Channels or Not: Analysis of Omni-channel Retailing in a Supply Chain.
Role:Principle Investigator
7. General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2020-2022
Project Title: Impact of Government Subsidy Schemes and Consumer Heterogeneity on Green Product Design and
Role: Co-Investigator
8. Major Program (No. 72293564/72293560), National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023-2027
Role: Participant
Project Title: Recycled Label Design and Green Competition
Role:Principle Investigator
2. General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2024-2026
Project Title: The Impacts of Noisy Certifications and Price Signaling on Green Product Strategies
Role:Principle Investigator
3.General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2022-2024
Project Title: Strategic Product-fit Revelation in the Presence of Network Effect.
Role:Principle Investigator
4. General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2021-2023
Project Title: Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Product Line Design.
Role:Principle Investigator
5. General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2019-2021
Project Title: Reward-Based Crowdfunding in the Presence of Potential Competitor's Imitation.
Role:Principle Investigator
6. Early Career Scheme (ECS), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2018-2020
Project Title: To Keep Consistency across Channels or Not: Analysis of Omni-channel Retailing in a Supply Chain.
Role:Principle Investigator
7. General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), 2020-2022
Project Title: Impact of Government Subsidy Schemes and Consumer Heterogeneity on Green Product Design and
Role: Co-Investigator
8. Major Program (No. 72293564/72293560), National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023-2027
Role: Participant
Selected Presentations
Effect of Consumer Awareness on Corporate Social Responsibility Under Asymmetric Information
Inventory Sharing with Service Quality Competition
Omni-Channel Retail in the Presence of Operational Frictions
Selling a Product Line Through a Retailer When Demand is Stochastic: Analysis of Price-Only Contracts
Signaling Through Price and Quality to Consumers with Fairness Concerns
- Invited Talk at Singapore Management University, Hong Kong, 2023
- Invited Talk at USTC-UIUC center (online), 2022
- Invited Talk at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 2019
- Invited Talk at Nanjing University, China, 2019
- CSASME Annual Conference, 2019
- MSOM Annual Conference, 2019
- INFORMS International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018
- POMS-HK Annual Conference, Hong Kong, 2018
- Invited Talk at Fudan University, China, 2017
- Invited Talk at Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2017
- Invited Talk at University of Miami, Miami, FL, 2017
- INFORMS Annual Conference Meeting, Houston, TX, 2017
Inventory Sharing with Service Quality Competition
- POMS-HK Annual Conference, Hong Kong, 2020
- Invited Talk at Fudan University, 2019
- POMS Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, 2017
Omni-Channel Retail in the Presence of Operational Frictions
- INFORMS Annual Conference, Houston, TX, 2017
- INFORMS Annual Conference, 2016
- MSOM Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2015
- OM Workshop, Antai Business School, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China, 2015
- Invited Talk at Nanjing University, China, 2015
Selling a Product Line Through a Retailer When Demand is Stochastic: Analysis of Price-Only Contracts
- Invited Talk at Carroll School of Management, Boston College, Boston, MA, 2016
- Invited Talk at University of Texas at El Paso, US, 2016
- Invited Talk at School of Business, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, 2015
- INFORMS Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2015 (Scheduled, TA48)
- INFORMS Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, 2014
- MSOM Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, 2014
Signaling Through Price and Quality to Consumers with Fairness Concerns
- POMS Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2014
- Invited Talk at University of Science and Technology of China, China, 2013
Chair of Best Student Paper Competition for the 13th POMS-HK International Conference (2023)
Track/Session Chairs: POMS Annual Conference (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), POMS-China Annual Conference (2022, 2023), CSAMSE Annual Conference (2021, 2023), POMS-HK Annual Conference (2020, 2024)
Judge: POMS HK best student paper competition (2019, 2020, 2022, 2024), INFORMS BOM Best Working Paper Competition (2022)
Ad-hoc Reviewer: Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, Service Science, Naval Research Logistics, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, Operations Research Letters, International Journal of Production Economics, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS), Maritime Policy & Management, IIE Transactions, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering
Track/Session Chairs: POMS Annual Conference (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), POMS-China Annual Conference (2022, 2023), CSAMSE Annual Conference (2021, 2023), POMS-HK Annual Conference (2020, 2024)
Judge: POMS HK best student paper competition (2019, 2020, 2022, 2024), INFORMS BOM Best Working Paper Competition (2022)
Ad-hoc Reviewer: Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, Service Science, Naval Research Logistics, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, Operations Research Letters, International Journal of Production Economics, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS), Maritime Policy & Management, IIE Transactions, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering